Friday, May 21, 2010

Banding Results 5/21 and 5/26

Following are the results for our last 2 banding sessions:

Date: May 26, 2010
Weather: 50-62*F, overcast/occasional drizzle, calm to moderate wind gusts
Net hours: 36
Banders: Garcia, S and R King-thanks!!
Birds captured: 16 of 10 species
3 Orange-crowned warbler (1 same season recap)
1 Chipping sparrow
1 MacGillivray's warbler
1 Purple finch
2 Spotted towhee
2 White breasted nuthatch
2 Black-headed grosbeak
1 Ash-throated flycatcher (same season recap, see pic)
2 Wrentit (recap from Nov/2009)
1 Anna's hummer

Date: May 21st, 2010
Weather: 53-62 degrees F with light to moderate breeze
Net Hours: 36
Banders: Julie Nelson, Steve & Raina King-thanks!
Birds captured: 13 birds of 7 species.
5 - Wilson's Warblers (check out the pic showing differences in male and female crowns)
1 - Wrentit (ecap)
1 - Bewick's Wren (Recap)
2 - Ash-throated Flycatcher
2 - Orange-crown Warbler (both recaps)
1 - Swainson's Thrush
1 - MacGillivray's Warble

credit of Dawn Garcia

Friday, May 14, 2010

Banding Results 5/14

Following are the results.

Date: May 14, 2010
Weather 50-70*f, winds calm to B3 gusts, cc%-0-35
Net hours: 30
Banders: Garcia, S&R King, thanks!!!
Birds captured: 47 of 16 species
25 Wilson's warbler (1 recap from 2 days ago)
2 Bushtit
1 Chipping sparrow (a rare detection and capture)
1 Common Yellowthroat ( a rare detection and capture)
1 Bewick's wren
1 MacGillvrays warbler
1 Lazuli bunting
3 House finch
1 Yellow-breasted chat
1 Yellow warbler
1 Ash-throated flycatcher
4 Black-headed grosbeak (1 recap)
2 Lesser goldfinch
1 Wrentit (recap)
1 Anna's hummer
1 Black-chinned hummer

credit of Dawn Garcia

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Date: May 12, 2010
Site: BCEP
Weather: ~50-70*F, winds calm to gusty, clear skies
Net hours: 28
Banders: Garcia, S&R King, J. Nelson (thanks!)
Birds captured: 32 individuals of 15 species
10 Wilson's warbler (pic)
3 Bushtit
2 Yellow Warbler
3 House finch
1 Yellow-breasted chat
1 Swainson's thrush
1 Downy woodpecker
1 Black-headed grosbeak
2 Black-chinned hummers (both female)
2 Warbling vireo
1 Lazuli bunting (see pic)
1 Bewick's wren (recap female from 9/09 with brood patch)
1 Nuttall's woodpecker (male from 5/2009 at least 3 years old with brood patch)
2 Black Phoebe (1 recap from 12/09 with brood patch and fledgling phoebe in net)
1 Wrentit (pic- a recap with broodpatch)

credit of Dawn Garcia